Anyone who dedicates even a few hours of their time to creating stories can confirm one of the great truths of the profession: without a space where you can develop your art, productivity will increase little. Something fundamental, at least if you want to progress with the stories.

A place of your own, without distractions; preferably with a good window and natural light. Some advice that those who know the most about this follow to the letter; If not, tell Mario Vargas Llosa, who has the perfect writer’s space in his spectacular house in Peru to create his great works.

This has been verified thanks to his son Álvaro, who has taken advantage of the weekend in which his entire family is reunited because of the wedding of Josefina, daughter of Gonzalo Vargas, to show his father working while enjoying a few days resting in his homeland.

A few moments that the writer seems to take advantage of working in his office, with impressive views of the Pacific Ocean and a table that is clearly not suitable for those who have certain problems maintaining order.

Old and new books -some arranged by collections-, notebooks, filing cabinets, a ladder to reach the most inaccessible volumes, two computers, telephone, printer, small sculptures, portraits and photographs everywhere… Vargas Llosa’s personal space does not matter detail is missing.

A somewhat chaotic space, but which, as has become customary for Álvaro Vargas -who has already become the personal public relations of the Nobel Prize- showing it to the public would only hide a reality: his father has returned to normality, together with his family and in Peru.

One more step in his final departure from Isabel Preysler, for whom he never felt sympathy, and which adds to the alleged reconciliation with his mother, Patricia Llosa. Whether or not there is truth in this return to pre-Preysler times, only they know, but what is certain is that for the moment, both have shown little complicity, although they have shown family cordiality.

At the moment, the entire family is in Lima, resting from the lavish wedding of Josefina, daughter of Gonzalo Vargas. The Nobel, for the moment, is dedicated to working and enjoying his recently recovered “freedom”, as the author of Los Cachorros stated in an interview with the French magazine Paris Match.