At 31 years old, Mario Alcalde has proven to be a bullfighter different from the rest. As proof, the interview that the Madrid native gave to the newspaper El Mundo, with which he has made history; becoming the first bullfighter to openly confess that he is not heterosexual.

“I’m pansexual,” he reveals, openly and unapologetically, stating that he is attracted more by qualities than by issues of sex or gender. A bullfighter who knows that he is very different from the stereotype that reigns in the profession. “I am a bullfighter who goes a little more at his own pace. My tastes are not normal in bullfighting,” he admits.

Pansexuality is a concept that has existed for centuries, although it is still unknown to the general public despite the fact that celebrities such as the singer Miley Cyrus declared themselves pansexual in an interview back in 2016. Pansexuals – also omnisexual – do not restrict their sexuality to the opposite gender, same gender or binaries. They are comfortable with gender fluidity and don’t like labels.

“I am pansexual. I feel very identified with the LGTBI flag. Everyone has their own tastes. I fall in love with the interior, I don’t care about gender,” says Alcalde, who also assures that his political opinions make him different from the majority of his companions.

He took the alternative last year in the Las Ventas arena, and aims to form a bullfighting club in the Madrid neighborhood of Chueca, despite the alleged wave of “anti-bullfighting” that circulates through the group. “All gays are anti-bullfighting. But how nice it is when you confess who you are and, after meeting you, they see it differently,” insists Alcalde.

The bullfighter seems to have made his mission to open his world more and put an end to the “lack of culture” that, according to himself, prevents many from enjoying the art of bullfighting. “Not everyone who goes to the bullfights likes them and there are people who don’t go to the bullring and like them. I don’t care what other people think,” he says.

Other colleagues, like Rafi Camino, have offered their support through social networks. At the moment, in addition to being able to dedicate part of her time to his art, Alcalde also works as staff at the Adolfo Suárez-Madrid Barajas Airport and helps his mother in the family business. “I don’t live off anyone,” he insists.

“I don’t know what 2024 or the times ahead will bring, but no one takes away our enthusiasm,” he insists.