The bailaor Rafael Amargo was arrested this Thursday night by the National Police. He was arrested in connection with an alleged case of drug trafficking from several floors in Madrid. According to the Efe news agency, Amargo resisted when several agents showed up to arrest him, which occurred after his performance in a room in the center of the city of Alicante.

Sources of the investigation have informed Efe that the bailaor was transferred to the cells of the provincial police station of the National Police Force of Alicante, in the Benalúa neighborhood, where he spent the night and where he will remain until, foreseeably, he is transferred to judicial provision in a court in this city, which could occur throughout this Friday or even this Saturday.

At the end of a performance in the Casanova room, in the central San Isidro street, agents of the National Police expressly displaced from Madrid have proceeded to the arrest within an investigation for an alleged case of drug trafficking from an apartment in the Madrid neighborhood of Malasaña and other properties for tourist use that he rented in the capital.

The 48-year-old artist from Granada is accused of an alleged crime against public health and another of an attack against an agent of the authority, police sources have confirmed to Efe.

This is the second arrest suffered by Amargo for similar events, since in December 2020 the Police attributed a crime against public health for which the Prosecutor’s Office asks him for 9 years in prison. The bailaor’s trial is scheduled to take place in Madrid in June of this year.