The case of Daniel Sancho is not only generating a multitude of news, but also unknowns and doubts. And it is that during the last days there is no talk of anything else. Rodolfo Sancho’s son confessed to having killed and dismembered the surgeon Edwin Arrieta. Although he claims to have done it accidentally, Thai police plan to charge the chef with premeditated murder.

The cameras of a supermarket on the island of Koh Phangan captured Sancho buying a knife and plastic bags the day before the crime. Something that could reaffirm the thesis of the agents. After what happened, the young man was sent to the Koh Samui prison, where he has been in isolation for a few days. With all this, The Summer Program has sent the journalist Jorge Luque to Thailand, where he has discovered two irregularities in the detainee’s statements.

If something surprised everyone, it was that Daniel Sancho offered his first words after being arrested to a journalist from the aforementioned program. “I’m fine, the police treat me very well,” he began to recount. But everything blew up when he claimed to be “dining with them at the best hotel on the island” in “Anantara”.

“In other words, they have brought me here because they have closed the case,” he said. And it is that, according to his words, thanks to his collaboration with the police, he would be receiving good treatment from them. Something that surprised all the journalists present and that has generated a multitude of criticisms in the media. And not only for that, but for being able to use the cell phone while detained.

“We have asked and we have ended up on the opposite end of the island where Edwin Arrieta lost his life. We wanted to resolve two fundamental questions,” Jorge Luque began to explain. The journalist wanted to find out if Daniel Sancho’s statement was true or not, and he has decided to speak to all the staff of the aforementioned restaurant.

“It is strange that the police come to have dinner or eat at a place like this, no longer with a detainee, but during working hours,” he said. And it seems that it is not true information, according to his own account: “Daniel Sancho never visited the most luxurious restaurant on the island with the police. Is a lie”.

According to the journalist, the Spaniard would have gone to the restaurant only once: the day after the crime, when he was not yet arrested. “Daniel Sancho ends Edwin’s life on the afternoon of the 2nd. That night he spends hiding the body, and on the morning of the 3rd he finishes cleaning the villa. Later, he goes to the luxury restaurant and spends the morning,” he said. affirmed. But he would not have been with the police, as he himself said.

But that is not all. “The information that we are going to give now could corroborate the thesis of the Thai police, that it was premeditated”, Jorge Luque continued. And it is that, apparently, Edwin Arrieta booked four nights in a luxury hotel different from the villa where he supposedly lost his life. “They had plans together, but then Daniel had something else planned,” the journalist recounted.

“Edwin’s plans were to come here and stay with Daniel at this hotel. Daniel slept here one night. The next day, Daniel makes the reservation for the other luxury villa, and when he arrives Edwin drives him there. Within two hours the accident occurs in which Edwin ends up dead,” he concluded.