Ana Obregón continues in the center of the informative hurricane. Since the birth of Ana Sandra, the biological daughter of Aless Lequio and, therefore, the granddaughter of the actress and Alessandro Lequio, the controversy continues to plague one of the most mediatic families in the country.

In the last few hours, attention has focused on Alessandro Lequio, who this Monday returned to his position as a collaborator on The Ana Rosa Program. The television collaborator has been asked about the rumors that indicate that Ana Obregón would be considering baptizing Ana Sandra with the same skirt that her deceased son Alessa wore and that she comes from the Borbón family.

Although he was visibly overwhelmed by the question, Lequio has been clear and emphatic in his response: “In terms of the skirt issue, everyone is very free to speculate with whatever they want, but as far as I know, Ana has not He said none of that nor has he ruled on it”, he stated.

Despite this response, Alessandro Lequio has been visibly uncomfortable with the situation. “I need not to speak… Although I have made some comment under pressure from the situation, I need to not do it anymore,” he said.

However, Ana Rosa Quintana wanted to delve into the subject since, as explained by the journalist Marisa Martín-Blázquez, the suit in question is in the possession of Alessandro’s family.

The Swiss-born collaborator has concluded the subject by assuring that he prefers to remain silent on this subject, as he did when the death of his son Aless occurred.

The return of Ana Obregón and the newborn Ana Sandra to Spain was scheduled for this month of April, but it will finally take place in May on the occasion of the presentation of the book El chico de las musarañas, initially written by the late Aless Lequio and which same actress is over.

Alessandro Lequio did want to talk about the book, highlighting the writer’s facet of his eldest son. “I know and have the pages that my son wrote. There are 20 pages that he wrote, they are very well written, he wrote very well. They are very nice reflections, to tell the truth, ”he assured.