The whereabouts of Genoveva Casanova revealed during the coronation of Frederick of Denmark

Genoveva Casanova became, in the most unexpected way, one of the most prominent characters in the world of the heart at the end of 2023. Danish and Spanish magazines echoed some leaked photographs with Federico from Denmark this past November, shortly before the crown prince became king of the Nordic country. However, the whereabouts of the Mexican has been one of the great unknowns of this great event.

Since the abdication of Queen Margaret II was announced, everyone has wondered what would happen to Casanova. If she would appear during the coronation, if she would make any statement about it, if she would reveal new information about her friendship with Frederick some messages on social networks.

It was not until several days later that different publications were able to find out where Genoveva was. According to El Confidencial’s Vanitatis portal, the protagonist of the rumors spent the days of her coronation in her native Mexico, supported by her family and still without giving statements. The explanations given by different magazines are that she cut off communications with her surroundings and circles close to her, due to mistrust.

The only way the affected person had to express herself during the last few weeks was through her social networks. It was on Monday, 24 hours after Federico’s coronation, that she left a heartfelt message on her Instagram profile: “I want a great life. I want to experience everything. I want to break every single rule there is. They say ambition is not an attractive trait in a woman. Maybe, but what is attractive? Wait for something to happen?”

Casanova had to clarify his friendship with Federico before temporarily disappearing from the map. “I want to make it very clear that I have no relationship with him, as he is letting himself down. We are friends and the photos prove nothing. Except for those who want to distort the images and see where there are none. We have common friends and I am not telling who my friends are,” she said in a statement released to different media.

And Vanitatis magazine itself insisted that the Mexican was worried about the distrust of those around her. She felt surrounded and unable to talk to anyone about this matter. She “she is completely isolated, even bordering on paranoia. She doesn’t answer her friends like she did before, she doesn’t even behave normally. “She suspects everything and everyone,” the magazine said.

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