The world of television continues to be concerned about the delicate state of health of María Teresa Campos. Last weekend the hospitalization of the presenter was known, removed from her focus for two years, suffering from severe respiratory failure. Terelu Campos and Carmen Borrego, daughters of María Teresa, have been in charge of updating her status.

This Monday, coinciding with the start of the television season, there are many programs that have wanted to remember some of the great moments that the communicator has left throughout her long career. One of them has been Mañaneros, the new morning program on La 1 de TVE presented by Jaime Cantizano, which went one step further and rescued a totally unknown stage in the life of María Teresa.

It was in 1977 when the presenter decided to run for general elections, the first in the current democratic system in Spain after the Franco dictatorship. The journalist Pedro Santos detailed that María Teresa Campos was on the lists of “a party from Malaga, number 3 to the Congress of Deputies” and gave way to the graphic document.

The party was called Spanish Social Reform (RSE) and was presented, among others, with a video in which the communicator appeared along with two other women who were also part of its lists. Already then, a young María Teresa made her communication skills clear with a speech in which she laid the foundations for her candidacy.

“I think that none of us women who are in the Spanish Social Reform candidacy respond to that expression recently coined for the elections, which is ‘vase candidate’,” stated Campos in the video rescued by the Mañaneros program.

The presenter made “an urgent appeal to all women, from the housewife, who plays a role of great social contribution, to that other woman who tries to integrate professionally into a society made by men”, allusions to the Spanish society that prevailed. at the time the piece was recorded, 46 years ago.