First Dates, Cuatro’s daily program presented by Carlos Sobera and Elsa Anka, is the ideal space to find love. Every day, dozens of singles go to the television space looking to get out of the routine and find that special person who will turn their lives upside down.

But not everything is the search for love, since the format also brings together people of all kinds, creating very peculiar situations where humor is always present. This is what has happened to Sergio and María, who have starred in one of the most iconic events in the Mediaset program.

Sergio is a 42-year-old hairdresser and barber from Barcelona who has gone to Carlos Sobera’s program to see if he can find the woman who will make him settle down and build a family. His date, María, comes from Madrid, is 51 years old and is dedicated to the world of images. In addition, the woman defines herself as a “chameleon” girl.

At first there was chemistry, since Sergio defined María as a ”true babe”, while he read the ‘lines’ on her hands. Shortly after, the Catalan released a slightly more unfortunate comment when he admitted that he liked it a lot, but that he preferred them “chubbier”.

But the climax of the evening came when Sergio made a confession that left his date speechless: “I have several unrecognized children. It’s that I’m a sperm donor”, a comment that María found to be in ”very bad taste”.

The bachelor also surprised his evening partner by talking about how women are less and less fertile due to evolution, and that is why there are no egg donation centers: ”Men can have children all their lives. On the other hand, women cannot have children because you are not fertile.” Given this reflection, Maria she could not believe what she was hearing and she reproached him for making up the information.

María did not like what Sergio was saying at all, since he recognized that he had three long relationships and that in each and every one of them he had bought a flat with his then sentimental partner. ”Once I traded a flat for a car,” he said before the open-mouthed Madrid.

“I’ve never had a date like this and I’ve never met a person with such a surreal brain,” María confessed to the camera, who held out until the end of the date, but finally decided not to continue meeting the Catalan hairdresser.