After the surprising images were released, the media from the ‘Fiesta’ program went to Camilo Blanes’ residence to obtain first-hand information on the singer’s condition. Upon arrival, they found a sign at the entrance in which Lourdes Ornelas, Camilo’s mother, warns certain people who know his identity that they will not be allowed to enter the house.

“No entry to certain people who know who they are” are the first words that appear on the notice. And it continues like this: “This place is not a house of worship, and even less, a place of recreation. Refrain from entering or you will be denounced for intrusion into privacy and trespassing. Do not abuse the nobility of the people who live here.”

The Telecinco program has revealed that the son of the deceased Camilo Sesto is not going through his best moment and that his mother is worried about the new friends that surround him and that they could be abusing his trust. The young man’s state of health has generated great concern among his followers and public opinion in general.

On the television program ‘Fiesta’, a close friend of Camilo Blanes has shared his concern for the young singer, assuring that in recent weeks he has been surrounded by bad company. The friend also wanted to clarify that the controversial photographs of Camilo wearing wigs similar to his father’s were taken with the intention of “having a fun time.”

According to his statements on the program, Camilo Blanes’s friend has stated that the young man is being harassed by certain people who have even sneaked into his house. The situation is worrying, since the singer is in a vulnerable position in front of these individuals. The friend has described the situation as “unfortunate” and has called for prudence around the issue.

The intervention of this friend in the program has been highly commented by the followers of the late Camilo Sesto and his family, who have expressed their support for the young man and have asked for greater protection for him. The situation has generated a debate about the importance of surrounding oneself with good companies and the vulnerability of public figures to media pressure and harassment.