The strange case of Virginia, a young woman who is allergic to her boyfriend

The Telecinco program Ya es mediodía has echoed a piece of news that has left all collaborators in shock. It is about the case of a young woman who suffers hives every time she spends time with her boyfriend.

Virginia is a normal girl who did not have any type of health problem, but for some time, she began to suffer different physical consequences every time she visited her partner. “I have an allergy to my boyfriend,” the young woman joked in front of her followers on her social networks.

“It started with very itchy eyes and watery (…) We noticed that after spending a few days in his apartment, I would break out in a very bad rash the following week and feel pretty bad for a few days,” the girl shared with the New York Post.

In the Telecinco television space they have explained that the girl had rashes on her skin and redness, felt itching, difficulty breathing… All the symptoms of a strong allergy. In addition, the young woman recognized that the situation became dangerous when she spent several days at her partner’s house, since two days later she suffered serious physical consequences.

After months of tests, visits to different hospitals and specialized medical centers, misdiagnoses and a lot of impotence for not finding out what’s wrong with her, the girl is desperate.

Different opinions on the subject were shared in the Telecinco program. For example, Isabel Rábago wanted to emphasize that perhaps they are blaming the boyfriend when it can be any perfume, cream, cleaning product that is used… Faced with such a speech, her tablemates replied that indeed the marks could appear for many reasons, but that the couple was the common denominator of the disease.

To delve into the case, the Mediaset España program contacted Carmen Andreu, Secretary of the Spanish Society of Allergology and Immunology. The expert explained that it is not possible to be allergic to a person in its entirety, but that there must be some characteristic element of the man that the girl’s body rejects: some product, his pets, etc.

In addition, the woman explained that these rare cases are the favorites of professionals in this field of medicine, since they have to act as detectives and carry out some more advanced tests that go beyond the basic tests used by thousands of people in our country.

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