The strange anecdote of Alejandro Sanz, his mother and Esperanza Aguirre

You may like it more or less, but the success of Alejandro Sanz’s career is undeniable. He began his musical career in 1989 with the album Los chulos son pa’ cuidarlos, and today, 34 years later, he continues on the front lines, filling stadiums and creating songs that become hymns.

His voice, his charisma and his great stage presence have made him one of the best singer-songwriters in the history of our country, an artist who has managed to reach audiences of all ages and cross borders with his guitar and his lyrics.

He did not always want to dedicate himself to music. On more than one occasion he has recounted that although other artists such as Antonio Banderas or Ester Expósito have recognized that they have dreamed of being great sports or acting stars ever since, he wanted to be a happy shoemaker who earned an honest living. What happened is that in the end the music was stronger and, making the most of his guitar lessons, he became a singer-songwriter at the age of 11.

Throughout his career, the artist has had all kinds of experiences and has anecdotes to give and give away. One of his favorites is when he wrote one of the biggest hits, Corazón Partío, thinking of the Spanish group Camela: ”I thought it could be a song for Camela, a rumbita”, he has acknowledged on several occasions. Another of the stories that he always tells is when his mother accompanied him to meet the King, since he was awarded the Medal of Merit for Fine Arts and they met Esperanza Aguirre, whom his mother greeted saying: ”Excuse me, but We are going to meet the King.”

The artist will be on the Pablo Motos program tonight, just one day after the visit of the influencer Georgina Rodríguez, who attended the television space to promote the second season of her docuseries Soy Georgina.

Although Alejandro Sanz has been a guest on numerous occasions, the singer always causes a furor on the program due to his self-confidence, his grace when it comes to speaking and the naturalness that he carries as a flag, despite being a superstar.

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