Sara Carbonero has spent a few dream days in the north of our country. The ex-wife of Iker Casillas has shared with her more than 3.5 million followers on the Instagram platform some beautiful images bathing in the Almofrei river, as well as hugging the trees that populate the forests of Pontevedra.

”Bathing in the Almofrei river, embracing Sequoias, food from the garden to the table, meditating in the midst of the purest nature. Know in situ the valuable work of @hifasdaterra and the benefits of Mycotherapy. Thank you Cata and Esteban for making us feel at home,” the communicator wrote on her official social network account.

In a matter of minutes, the reporter’s publication was filled with hundreds of comments from Galicians proud of their land. The inhabitants of this community expressed their gratitude to Carbonero for making visible the beauty of their landscapes and valuing their culture and natural landscapes.

”Galicia is at its peak, many are discovering it, for us Galicians, it is a mixture of joy, but also nostalgia for the lost tranquility”, ”Galicia falls in love. Sara, you’ve already seen how people live there, I don’t think it will take long to return” or ”Galicia is medicine” are some of the messages that can be read in the post.

During his trip to the north, Carbonero visited Hifas da Terra, a biotechnology company in A Quinta das Cabadas (Pontevedra), where they make 100% pure and organic natural products based on mushrooms. This is the reason why the journalist wrote in the general publication that she uploaded to Instagram that she had been able to learn about the benefits of Mycotherapy.

The main reason that has led the woman who covered the World Cup in South Africa for Telecinco to visit Galicia is none other than the tour of her partner, Nacho Taboada, through the area. Sara Carbonero’s boyfriend belongs to a group called Colectivo Panamera, which has given two concerts in Galicia: the first at the Martín Códax Winery, located in Cambados (Pontevedra), and the second at the Náutico De San Vicente Do Mar ( Or Grove).

The 39-year-old woman decided that this year she would not follow the general trend of celebrities and that she would not visit the Balearic Islands to enjoy her summer holidays. Although now we have been able to see her delighted in the north of our country, a few weeks ago she enjoyed the Cadiz coast. The mother of Casillas’ children traveled to Cádiz last July with her little ones and spent a few relaxing days with Raquel Perera (formerly of Alejandro Sanz and one of Carbonero’s best friends) and her children.

In addition, the content creator has also had time to visit the Costa Brava for the Cap Roig Festival, as well as travel to the north of Spain to enjoy two of the most beautiful towns in Guipúzcoa: Zarauz and Getaria.