The controversy of the kiss of Luis Rubiales to Jennifer Hermoso, player of the Spanish women’s soccer team, after the team’s victory in the World Cup final in Australia continues to give a lot to talk about.

After several days full of statements, contradictory speeches and positions by a host of public figures, the president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation has shown his face this morning at a press conference that has unleashed controversy in our country.

Far from what many expected, Rubiales has not apologized and has made it clear that he does not intend to resign. The Canarian manager has publicly denounced that she is suffering an unprecedented social murder and media harassment and that it is all the fault of “false feminism” that is destroying our society.

“It was a spoiled beak, in a moment of joy. In fact, it was she who grabbed me and lifted me off the ground, and I asked her: a beak? And she answered okay. The kiss was consented and that’s the key. Therefore, I do not understand what is due to his silence these days and the statement he issued on Wednesday, “explained the technician.

These words have had a great impact in the media and many regular faces from the world of sports, television, politics, etc. of our country have positioned themselves against Rubiales: Yolanda Díaz, Iker Casillas, Alexia Putellas, Héctor Bellerín, Borja Iglesias, Irene Montero, Carlota Corredera, Alba Carrillo…

Due to the great repercussion that the case has had, Televisión Española has decided to broadcast a special on the subject on La 1 starting at 5:20 p.m. today, hosted by Silvia Intxaurrondo and Marcos López.

In the special program that the public channel has prepared, the different collaborators have analyzed the decision of the President of the RFEF not to present his resignation and have commented on the scenario that opens from this moment on.

“It is twenty-one minutes past five in the afternoon. Rubiales does not resign,” the Basque presenter began by explaining when she opened the television space and explained that the situation is very complicated and that the Higher Sports Council will take action. Minister Miquel Iceta has connected live with the program and has explained that these statements were not expected at the press conference of the President of the Federation and that his actions are intolerable.

“This gentleman does not represent the values ??of football that I teach my children who certainly saw that game and saw that moment in the box clutching their genitals,” Intxaurrondo declared indignantly on the TVE set.

All those present on the set of La 1 have agreed that it cannot be tolerated that the Federation does not act in this situation and that it is a shame that Rubiales tries to divert attention and blame Hermoso for a clear gesture of “abuse of can”.

In addition, some of the collaborators have wanted to make it clear that, regardless of the manager’s misogynistic attitude, Rubiales did not know how to behave in the box and embarrassed the country he represented (Spain) in front of the whole world, something that has to have consequences.