Cuarto Milenio returned to the programming grid this Sunday with a new installment loaded with unusual themes and also famous faces from the world of television. In its Mystery Popular section, Iker Jiménez’s program had the presence of Remedios Cervantes, the Malaga model who won Miss Spain and who became one of the best-known presenters in our country.

During the talk with the actress, she also made important revelations about some paranormal phenomena that she has witnessed throughout her life. The most shocking: the day she had a UFO experience while she was still a child.

She rose to fame in 1986 after being crowned Miss Spain. At that time, Remedios Cervantes was only 22 years old and had a long career ahead of her. She found her modus vivendi on the catwalk, but television arrived and the Malaga native tried her luck. She became a famous presenter, and even an actress.

He even starred in some of the most viral moments on the small screen after ruining a contestant for changing an answer at the last minute. And, after all that, she left the spotlight and fame to return to anonymity and dedicate herself to the business world.

However, this Sunday Remedios Cervantes returned to television to talk about paranormal phenomena. He did it on Cuarto Milenio, Iker Jiménez’s program on Cuatro, for its Mystery Populares section. During the talk, the woman from Malaga made an important revelation, an event that broke her expectations of her being still a child.

“I was nine years old and in Malaga there was a sighting of a UFO,” the model began. “I had the opportunity to see him, at least to see with the whole gang of friends that he had something that shone in the sky,” she continued.

“Then the next day it came out in the press that it was an unidentified object. And I have always wondered why we have to think that we are the only ones who are going to be in this universe,” she assured in conclusion. In fact, when asked if she believes there is life on another planet, Remedios was categorical and said “yes” without hesitation.

He also asserted, in another moment of the questionnaire before the Cuarto Milenio camera, that there is life beyond death. “I am also a person of faith and I am convinced that we come here to learn to be better and to be able to lead a much better life,” she stated. She even admitted to having had some paranormal experience:

“I have a video a few months after my mother died, on a birthday, suddenly in a phone recording a kind of ball appeared, as if it were a kind of cloud, very curious because when I also passed in front of a face, that face looked black and white.”