The relationship between Gerard Piqué and Clara Chía continues to be a source of discussion in the heart. Since the former Barcelona Football Club soccer player ended his relationship with Shakira, his chores have been the target of all eyes. From nicknames and internal quarrels with the Colombian to wedding rumors with her new partner, which he has been carrying since last spring. However, the latest images of him have attracted attention for other reasons.

The president of the Kings League was spotted in Almería in recent days, on a yacht valued at 29,000 euros that he had rented in Croatia. Piqué appeared in various photographs and videos paddle-rowing, resting and enjoying the sun with Chía and the rest of his family. But the detail that has drawn the most attention to the media has been his body. And in the snapshots he appeared showing love handles.

A physical change that they wanted to echo Let’s see, Joaquín Prat’s new program on Telecinco, through its Fresh section inherited from Ya es día. The television program has highlighted the weight gain of the Catalan defender compared to his last months on the pitch. Likewise, they came to highlight his role as a model during his years as a starter at Barça, as well as the phrase that Shakira dedicated to him in her song with Bizarrap.

“Ah, a lot of gym. But it works the brain a little too,” explained the Colombian. Despite this, Piqué himself had previously denied that she went to the gym. He mentioned it to Ibai Llanos during one of his live sets, ensuring that he had never been through one, and he repeated the play in a Kings League broadcast, attributing the extra kilos to the fact of spending about six months without playing sports.

The collaborators of Let’s see have also wanted to take advantage of the matter. Joaquín Prat himself has disagreed with the script of the video that was shown on the program, even insisting that he had never had a “tablet” despite going to the gym for years. Isabel Rábago insisted that she did not think Piqué’s appearance was bad, defending “normal” bodies and that they were not “prefabricated”, defending a freer appearance.

For his part, Antonio Rossi agreed with the former soccer player’s statements, reiterating the little idea that people have about what it is like “to be an elite athlete and suddenly stop your rhythm, stop your routine, leave sport aside and not. do absolutely nothing.” Marta López accompanied the sentiment of the table by commenting that, if that video had been made about a girl, they would be “messing with a woman’s fatness.”