The actress Ana García Obregón has become the absolute protagonist of the last few weeks. Her decision to have a baby by surrogate pregnancy at 68 years of age has sown one of the biggest controversies that are remembered in our country.

According to the presenter in a heart magazine, she made this decision after her son confessed to her before he died that he wanted to have offspring, whether he lived or not. Three years after the death of Aless Lequio, García Obregón decided to take a sample of the semen that she had frozen while he was battling cancer and become a biological grandmother and adoptive mother.

Although opinion in the media has been divided between the actress’s staunch defenders who see the birth of little Ana Sandra as “the greatest act of love that Ana could do”, many others have criticized the selfishness of the action, both for the little girl who will be orphaned at an early age and for the pregnant mother, who suffered the consequences of the pregnancy.

His ex and father of his son Aless, Alessandro Lequio, expressed last week on The Ana Rosa Program “feeling very sad” with the situation, since his late son is starring in one of the most famous controversies in the country, something that would horrify you today.

Despite the criticism, the actress poses happily in the different reports that she has sold to gossip magazines, as well as being happy in the publications that she uploads to her official Instagram account.

” A light full of love came to my darkness. I will never be alone again”, ”I hope you forgive from heaven those who now deny your daughter’s right to live” or ”Fool words fall deaf ears…” are some of the comments of the artist through his account on the audiovisual platform.

Although the Madrid biologist is currently spending a few dream days with her adoptive daughter in Miami, before leaving Spain she had to make a decision that broke her soul. It is the house where her parents, Antonio García Fernández and Ana María Obregón Navarro, lived for the last few years, the address that the García Obregón brothers have decided to get rid of.

As announced by Sandra Aladro in The Ana Rosa Program and later confirmed by EL ESPAÑOL, the group of brothers carried out this procedure a few weeks ago in a very discreet way, shortly before the actress flew to the United States. According to sources close to the family, it was a very “difficult” decision to make and a very tough process, due to the beautiful memories they have at that address.