This week the Congress of Deputies has been the protagonist in the headlines, discussions and most news from online portals. Pending the investiture session of Alberto Núñez Feijóo next week, the chamber has approved the use of Catalan, Basque and Galician during its sessions. This decision has left many outstanding images, such as the march of the VOX deputies from their seats and a notorious error.

This Thursday the measure was officially approved, with the use of the three co-official languages ??receiving the approval. The motion has made it through the cut with votes in favor of PSOE, Sumar, ERC, Junts, EH Bildu, PNV, BNG and Canarian Coalition; while PP and VOX have voted against. However, an oversight by a popular deputy has gone viral on social networks due to her name, very similar to that of a well-known television presenter.

This is Rosa Quintana, a member of the Popular Party of Galicia, who made a mistake and voted in favor of the inclusion of languages, going against her blue colleagues. The moment has spread like wildfire due to the similarity of her name with that of Ana Rosa Quintana, presenter of TardeAR, whom many users and viewers have associated with right-wing policies and positions over the years.

“I was thinking about Ana Rosa Quintana because the news is from Telecinco, but I see that she is nothing more than a normal and ordinary pepera doing a bit of PP,” contributed a user regarding the news published in Mediaset. “I knew that AR was a pepera but not that she had her own representative in Congress,” read another response in the message from X (Twitter) published by Electomanía. In this case, references to a recent similar case have also been seen.

“Between Casero’s canelo, Semper and now Quintana things are going. The investiture vote arrives and they are capable of voting against their own candidate,” explained a user about the case of Alberto Casero. In February 2022, this former PP deputy voted in favor of the labor reform proposed by the coalition government between PSOE and Podemos. His mistake was crucial for the motion to be approved and the new law to go ahead, causing a great stir on the networks.

“Being from Galicia, perhaps their intention was to vote YES and NO at the same time, but the machine only recognized one,” indicated one of the reactions in give him? Man, the political class in general is hilarious,” added another user. The anecdote has been filled with responses and criticisms of a similar tone a few days before another crucial session in Congress, with the inauguration of Núñez Feijóo.