One of the main claims of El chico de las musarañas, the book by Ana Obregón and Aless Lequio that was published this Wednesday and that already in presale has reached the second edition, is to know first-hand the texts that the son of the actress, about 20 pages, before she died and what the embryo has meant for the biologist to have decided to complete one of her vital projects.

“Mom, when I’m cured and I earn enough money with my company Polar Marketing to live and be able to retire, I’ll dedicate myself to my true passion, writing,” says Ana Obregón, what her son told her at one point.

That is why this book is so special for the actress and presenter who has wanted to capture in the publication of the Harper Collins publishing house, not only the reflections that Aless Lequio left written in 20 pages- in the book are the texts that go from the page 159 to 23-but her own perception of her son’s illness and the subsequent decision of surrogate motherhood.

The texts by Aless Lequio are loaded with ingenuity and scathing irony, and basically recount the events that occurred that Friday afternoon in which he went to the doctor to inspect what appeared to be hemorrhoids and ended up admitted due to the abscess elongated by the wall of the rectum that they found him and that forced an immediate intervention.

There are three chapters in a scathing style, and that Aless relates by combining different dialogues with his four inner shrews to which he also names: Cúpula (ambitious and fighter), Muria (nostalgia), Sophia (his housekeeper) and Estendor (the one who speaks without filters). But if there is a particularly emotional and poignant text, it is the one included in the final part of this section and which is entitled: Empathy: the magic of existing.

In it, the young man makes a particular portrait of human sadness, and the perception that, sometimes, one can have of certain human feelings.

Aless speaks of a special magic, “which is not sad, but hopeful”, in a crude and unfiltered text written just two months before he died. In this text, the young man seems to accept his sad ending and speaks openly about death : “Death is nothing more than a transition. It could be compared to the preparation of the human body that precedes childbirth. I’m talking about eerily calming and lucid sensations, sensations that leave you immobile, and if you want, they throw you out of the body, and when I mean out of the body, I mean that you literally leave the body and stop seeing, you simply perceive without knowing very much. well how or why, but you perceive something, something higher”.

And Lequio does not stop there and admits the following: “There was still the last battle. The battle of my life, but I believe that the body is wise and prepares you for everything, even death. It is the strangest thing I have ever felt in my life”, acknowledges the businessman in this writing. A text that culminates in this poetic way: “magic exists. The magicians are us. Everything around us is magic.”

After Aless’s full text, Ana Obregón herself explains what she felt when she read the text she left written on her computer for the first time: “I finish reading it and let the tears run mercilessly down my face, abundantly, as if the soul if it liquefies without brake. You were preparing for death, and I didn’t know it, forgive me”, writes the actress who culminates with this heartbreaking message: “If magic exists, give me back my life, my son”.

Not surprisingly, after the news of the actress’s surrogate motherhood was known, Obregón herself claimed to have come back to life after the birth of Ana Sandra Lequio, her biological granddaughter, which is also one of the projects that Aless had in her life. together with the work in the foundation and the publication of this book that is being a real success and you only have hours of life.