Laura Boyer, the daughter of Miguel Boyer and Elena Arnedo, died on Thursday of last week in Madrid, the victim of severe cancer. She was 56 years old. The relationship between Laura Boyer and Isabel Presyler never enjoyed good health. In fact, weeks before she died, Laura Boyer herself defined her relationship with the Filipina as “very hypocritical.”

As reported this weekend, one of Laura Boyer’s last wishes was to be buried next to her father, Miguel Boyer, something that, apparently, is not going to happen due to Isabel Preylser’s refusal.

As the journalist Marisa Martín Blázquez has explained in the Telecinco program ‘Fiesta’, Preysler would have said no to Laura Boyer’s latest request. “Once she passed away, Preysler and Ana Boyer sent their condolences to Laura’s children in writing, but they also replied to her request with a refusal,” reports Lecturas magazine.

For his part, in the same space, Aurelio Manzano expanded on the information that had been previously offered: “She says that this is a family mausoleum belonging to the Preyslers. She is the one who pays for it ”, collects Lecturas, a publication that adds that the condition that Mario Vargas Llosa’s ex-partner would have put so that Laura Boyer could be next to her father is that she be cremated.