King Felipe presided over the 40th anniversary of the Basque Business Confederation (ConfeBask) this Monday at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. This organization represents and defends the general and common interests of Basque businessmen, as it brings together thousands of private companies in Euskadi.

During the event, the compressive bandage on the King’s left wrist did not go unnoticed. It is a “preventive bandage” for discomfort in the joint that responds to inflammation of a tendon, as La Vanguardia is told. As it is the left wrist, the discomfort has not prevented him from greeting those attending the event, including the president of Confebask, Tamara Yagüe; the president of the CEOE, Antonio Garamendi; the Secretary of State for the Economy, Gonzalo García; and the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu.

After half past eleven in the morning, Felipe VI arrived at the esplanade of the Guggenheim Museum, where he was received by Urkullu, Calviño, Yagüe and the general director of ConfeBask, Eduardo Aretxaga. After contemplating the traditional aurresku of honor – a Basque dance that emerged at the end of the 19th century and is danced as a reverence – and greeting the rest of the authorities in the Museum hall, the event to celebrate the anniversary of the patron association began. Basque with the words of Yagüe.

The president of Confebask thanked the attendees for their presence and highlighted that their presence confirms them as “the reference voice of the Basque company and as an essential actor in social dialogue, so necessary for the progress of all.” As she stressed, events like today’s “send a clear message” about Confebask’s “involvement and commitment” to the development of Basque society.

This Confebask event occurs two days after Princess Leonor’s flag oath this Saturday at the General Military Academy (AGM) in Zaragoza, a ceremony that was presided over by the Kings. So no bandage was noticed on the King even when he took off the gloves of the Captain General of the Army uniform.

The Basque Business Confederation voluntarily integrates thousands of private companies in the Basque Country belonging to all territories, sizes and sectors of activity. All of these companies are associated with Confebask through its three member organizations: the Gipuzkoa Business Association (ADEGI), the Business Confederation of Bizkaia (CEBEK) and SEA Empresarios Alaveses (SEA). Confebask is also a member of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) and through it of other European and international business organizations, among which the European employers’ association BusinessEurope stands out.

Confesfask was established in 1983 at the initiative of Adegui (Guipúzcoa Business Association), SEA (Alavés Business Union) and CEV (Vizcaya Business Center), although, according to the employers’ association itself, its origin dates back to earlier when in recent years During the previous regime, several Basque businessmen began to work in a unitary Basque business organization (Einkor).

That process was frustrated and provincial business organizations emerged that took up the idea of ??establishing a large Basque employers’ association, as was finally the case, on March 4, 1983. A few years later, in 1988, the new organization decided to join the CEOE. . Throughout its history, Confebask has represented and defended the general and common interests of Basque businessmen, and has done so in very complicated moments such as those marked by ETA terrorism, which had Basque businessmen among its targets.