The decision of the new leadership of Mediaset España to cancel Sálvame, the Telecinco program dedicated to the gossip, turned the lives of those who were part of the television space upside down.

The workers and collaborators of the show, which dealt with tabloid and social chronicle issues, found out about the news live through an exclusive from the newspaper El Mundo. According to official sources, the new directors of the communication group wanted to give the chain a new image, so they decided to create an afternoon show and give that space to Ana Rosa Quintana. The veteran presenter will lead TardeAR at the start of the new television season.

The decision of the new dome caused endless criticism on social networks, as well as complaints from colleagues in the medium who did not understand that one of the most successful programs on the small screen, which had been leading its broadcast slot for 14 years, was ending. forever.

As a consequence of the cancellation of Sálvame, the Netflix streaming platform offered the space producer a very special project: a docurreality in which some of the mythical workers of the program would look for a job in Miami. This is how Chelo García Cortés, Víctor Sandoval, Kiko Matamoros, Kiko Hernández, Terelu Campos, Lydia Lozano, Belén Esteban and María Patiño headed to the United States just a few weeks ago.

As Andrea Janeiro’s mother explained in one of her last public appearances, the idea is that the audiovisual project will see the light of day next October, so we will only have to wait a few weeks to witness her new work.

The disappearance of Sálvame from the lives of millions of people in our country has caused many people to have a really bad time. We are not only talking about fans, since some collaborators like María Patiño have acknowledged having suffered a lot.

The journalist is still linked to the Mediaset universe due to her weekend program, Socialité. Despite this, the Galician has recognized on occasions that she has felt a bit lost and that she has not had a good time.

Patiño uploaded a story to his official Instagram account yesterday in which he reflected on this last stage of his work and spoke of all the love he has received in recent months, a strong love from the audience that he had never felt in his professional career. .

”Lately they say many nice things to me. I miss you, you are the best, I love you. I don’t want to get used to so much compliment. I got used to criticism, so please don’t get used to so much flattery. Even so, thank you,” said Carlota Corredera’s friend.