Xènia Tostado has become an involuntary protagonist of current affairs in recent months. The actress has always been extremely discreet about her personal life, especially about her personal and family life with fellow actor Rodolfo Sancho. However, the fact that the son of the protagonist of The Ministry of Time confessed to the murder of Colombian Edwin Arrieta has given a radical change to her lives.

The actress has not spoken publicly, but she is doing so through her Instagram account, where she dedicates herself to sharing some reflections from time to time. Things are not being easy, and that is why she does not hesitate to send messages of support enclosed in famous quotes or to give her followers something to think about and read between the lines. The last one, a strong message for her partner, in which she gives him all her support.

On this occasion, the actress turned to one of the great films in the history of cinema, Braveheart, from which she extracted a famous quote that many will remember: “Your heart is free, have the courage to listen to it.” With that phrase, the unforgettable Lourdes Maldonado in Amar es para siempre seems to want to encourage her partner in these difficult moments that she is experiencing with her eldest son, where the worst is yet to come.

Daniel Sancho has now been imprisoned for more than two months in the Koh Samui prison, in southern Thailand, for the murder of the Colombian. Now, he begins the countdown to the trial that will determine his prison fate, for whom the accusation requests capital punishment, still legal in the Asian country.

Through her Instagram Stories, the actress shared this phrase that, as she herself explains, marked her since she was just a child. So much so that she even thought about getting it tattooed. “I haven’t gotten it tattooed, but I remember it every day,” she confesses.

But it is not the only reflection that the actress has wanted to share in the last few hours, as she also added a musical note to her thoughts. Specifically, a part of the song I’ll Be There For You, by Bon Jovi, which also seems dedicated to the father of her daughter Jimena. The song, in English, contains a powerful and loving message.

“I will be there for you. When you breathe, I want to be the air for you. I will be there for you. I would live and die for you. I would steal the sun from the sky for you. Words cannot express what love can do. I will be there for you. you”.

As if that were not enough, the actress finishes her messages with a final reflection in the form of a Chinese proverb, making an “appeal” to all those who judge, comment and interpret the lives of others.

“The time you invest in judging, commenting on and interpreting the lives of others is directly proportional to the fear you have of taking charge of your own life and path,” writes the protagonist of The Secret of Ibosim, demonstrating that, to the good understanding, few words are enough.