More and more people are daring to appear on the most popular dating show on television, First Dates. Carlos Sobera and Laura Boado welcome every night a group of singles ready to meet the person of their dreams. Everyone comes to Cuatro’s space with great enthusiasm, but not everyone leaves hand in hand with their better half. 

Something that happened to Raquel, a 47-year-old single woman from Valencia who arrived at the restaurant confessing that they used to confuse her with Paris Hilton. ”They tell me that I look like her because I am dead rather than simple. I like to be very well-dressed, to attract attention… ”, she declared. In addition, the TikToker left the presenter speechless with a sample of her natural hair growth shampoo. 

In love, Raquel was clear about one thing: she wanted to meet a faithful man. Her date was Gabriel, a 40-year-old bachelor from Alicante with a certain resemblance to Carlos Sobera, Sergio Dalma and Pitingo. He considered himself a very happy and lively person. However, the bachelor’s attitude was not enough to win over Raquel, who sentenced the bachelor at the first opportunity. ”Sobera is attractive, he is not. “He hasn’t attracted me,” she asserted. 

The date began with the singles talking about their places of residence. Thanks to this little conversation, the bachelor discovered that his date came from a gypsy family. ”I married a gypsy when I was 14 and I was with him until I was 30,” he said. ”The fact that I am a gypsy is not a problem because I grew up among them,” he commented. 

For his part, Gabriel said that one of his great hobbies was flamenco, something he had in common with Raquel. ”My blood boils when I listen to music, I love it,” she confessed. The surprises at dinner did not end there, since Raquel confessed that she was a very popular woman on social networks. ”I went viral and started doing live shows to sell products,” she revealed. 

At one point during the evening, the single woman showed interest in knowing if Gabriel was faithful. An issue that worried her due to her disastrous experience with her ex-husband. ”I have had a very bad time. He was with another girl and with me at the same time. I told him to choose from her and he told me yes, but he was with her secretly. “That hurts a lot,” she explained. ”That’s the fear I have, I almost don’t trust until they make me trust,” the bachelor replied. 

After an evening with many things in common, the singles moved to the program’s booth, where they demonstrated that the date could only have one outcome: friendship. And the lack of chemistry between the two was so evident that during the final decision the Valencians agreed to remain friends.