This past Tuesday, the program Mañaneros, on La 1, obtained one of the most sought-after interviews in recent times: that of Darlin, the sister of Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta, allegedly murdered by Daniel Sancho in Thailand. The woman sat on the set next to Jaime Cantizano to speak openly about the crime that she has kept all of Spain in suspense for more than a month.

Throughout the conversation, Darlin Arrieta insisted on the close relationship he had with Edwin until the moment of his murder. “We spoke four or five times every day even when he was in the operating room operating,” he confessed before the TVE cameras. Furthermore, he has revealed that his brother “liked to travel”, so it did not surprise him that she often traveled between Spain and Thailand.

However, there is a vitally important detail that Darlin did not dare to clarify at any time: the true relationship that united his brother and Daniel Sancho. He assures that, despite constantly talking to Edwin, they only discussed “family issues” and left out issues such as each other’s friendships.

“The friends he had, we didn’t say ‘I have this friend,'” he said during his interview in Mañaneros. Asked by Cantizano if she knew of Daniel’s existence before the crime, Darlin denied it. “I didn’t know he was my brother’s friend, my brother had friends everywhere… I know about him because when my brother doesn’t show up I start looking for him,” she confirmed.

In addition to not speaking openly about the relationship between Sancho and Edwin, Darlin Arrieta always avoided naming his brother’s alleged murderer. Instead, he used euphemisms like “this person” or “this man.” He also did not allude to Rodolfo Sancho or Silvia Bronchalo, Daniel’s parents, who have acquired great relevance in the case.

Cantizano tried to get the woman to send a message to Daniel Sancho, although he received her refusal considering that her “pain is not enough to send her a message.” “I’m waiting for God to heal my wounds, and do his work in me so I can say ‘I forgive you,'” Darlin concluded.