The tension continues around the house where Carlos Navarro, El Yoyas, could hide. After experiencing a confrontation last week with his father, a Fiesta team has again had problems with the environment of Carlos Navarro El Yoyas.

Carlos Navarro, better known as El Yoyas, a former contestant on the second edition of Big Brother, has been on the run for several months from justice after being convicted of mistreating his ex-wife, Fayna Bethencourt, also a contestant on the Telecinco reality show.

“They tell me that something has happened.” This is how Emma García has connected with the reporter Arabella Otero at the beginning of the broadcast of the Telecinco program. By connecting, Arabella has detailed everything that happened during the afternoon of today, Sunday, April 9.

“It just happened not long ago. Last week there were threats, they jumped on top of our car…”, the Canarian reporter began, recounting the tense previous clash that she and her partner experienced last week.

Arabella Otero, a Fiesta reporter, explained to Emma García the mishap they had before starting the connection: “When we were preparing to go live, a gray car with three people inside passed by and they threw more than a dozen eggs. They threw them with such fury that they have hurt us”.

“They have stained the camera and they have yelled at us, they have told us to get out of here, that we were shit and that we are going to leave feet first,” added the visibly serious reporter. “We are not afraid, we have notified the Mossos and they know that we have the registration number of the car they were traveling in,” she concluded.