Almost three months have passed since Dani Alves was arrested for an alleged rape of a 23-year-old girl in Sutton, a well-known nightclub in Barcelona. The former Futbol Club Barcelona player was arrested on January 20. From the outset, the footballer’s closest entourage assures that he believes in his innocence, including his brothers and his ex-partner, Dinorah Santana, and also his mother, Lucía Alves. It is common to see how all of them share messages on social networks. The last one has come from the hand of Ney Alves, brother of the player.

The loved ones of the former Futbol Club Barcelona player do not abandon the idea that he is innocent. For more than 90 days, they have been giving him their unconditional support and believing in his innocence. In fact, his brother has not stopped sending messages through his social networks. The most recent, this same Saturday. A few words written in his Instagram ‘stories’ that bear little resemblance to his previous posts, in which he asked for justice for his brother or attacked Joana Sanz, his ex-wife.

On this occasion, he simply wanted to thank God for all the good that he gives him. Some statements far removed from the last ones he has offered. “Jesus, today I don’t want to ask you for anything. I just want to thank you for my health, for my family, for daily bread, for my freedom and for the opportunity of one more day. Thank God,” he expressed this Saturday on his social networks. .

One of the last messages from the footballer’s brother came after the announcement of the separation of Joana Sanz and Dani Alves. After the information came to light, the young man shared a reflection on his Instagram profile, with which he seemed to indirectly attack Joana for abandoning Dani. ”I’m going to give you some advice, and it’s good even for me. Never expect consideration, recognition or loyalty from anyone. We have to be alert, because the same person who does you great good is the same person who will throw you to the ground tomorrow and crush you mercilessly”, a few words from the artist Rony Kbuloso that he himself shared.

He is not the only member of the family who has spoken out after Dani’s admission to prison. The mother of the former Barça winger, Lucía Alves, also resorted a few weeks ago to various verses from the Bible to show her position on the subject. “My family, my life, I love them to infinity. It is beyond what God has united, no one can separate,” she began by writing. “I know that my smile bothered me so much that the traitors of Judas took it from me in those forty days, but my faith in God cannot be taken from me. I remain firm and strong towards victory,” she said.

“Friends who will never betray you, if you feed a dog for three days, he will remember you for thirty years. If you feed a person for thirty years, they will forget you in three days,” Lucia continued. “His domain of him has no end. He is the one who delivers and rescues, he does signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, the one who has freed Daniel from the power of the lions,” she settled. Some statements that were most controversial.

Another of the people who has stood up for the player in his defense has been his ex-wife, Dinorah Santana. The woman believes in her innocence, as she assured it in The Ana Rosa Program a few weeks ago. In said space, she insisted that “there is nothing that incriminates him.” “Dani is not a rapist, how is he in prison? That is what does not enter my head. All his life he has had an impeccable image of him, because he is an impeccable person,” she said.