The ponytail is one of the most widespread hairstyles in the world. A simple and useful way to collect hair, and that is replicated both anonymously and in front of millions of cameras. On multiple occasions stars from film, television and the world of celebrity have used this resource to achieve an outstanding look, with reactions and attempts at replicas all over the planet, shared even by specialized fashion portals.

However, the process leaves a small problem that is difficult to solve: loose or bulky hairs along the head. A situation that forces many people to start from scratch, repeatedly, almost to the point of exhaustion to achieve the perfect ponytail. Now, however, it seems that someone has found the definitive solution to this problem. The emerging singer Jana Düvel has published a trick on TikTok to improve her hairstyle.

The key is found in a hair clip, a simple clip. By holding some hairs and pushing them towards the ponytail, you can smooth the affected area and create a cleaner effect than repeating the process. Thanks to this system, all the loose hairs end up inside the hairstyle without needing the use of combs or other unusual tricks. The video has already accumulated nearly 23 million views, as well as 2.5 million likes and 8,600 comments.

“So the times I hit myself on the head with the brush out of anger were in vain…” pointed out one user, in a trend repeated on several occasions by the responses. “After breaking brushes against my head from stress, it doesn’t hurt to know” or “I thought the problem was my hair, I didn’t know it was normal” are some of the notable responses, although another trend has also been read: fatigue in the arms.

“So, are my arms no longer going to hurt from insisting so much on waiting in line without lumps?” read one of the writings. “And me doing the queues over and over again until everything was combed,” added another user. However, soon the conversation has turned to the experimental side. Although the system works perfectly with straight hair, problems have been found in the comments when trying it on curly hair.

“I need a girl with curly hair to try it,” pointed out one of the replicas, before finding a negative result: with curls the method does not work. “The barrette will get tangled because the hair, having loops and curls, does not go through as easily as straight hair, and is likely to generate frizz,” a user indicated in one of the additional posts. In this way, the answers have found additional information about this trick.