This Thursday, Silvia Bronchalo, mother of Daniel Sancho, went to the Koh Samui prison for the first time to see her son after being arrested and accused of premeditated murder. The expectation around Bronchalo was great. All the Spanish media were waiting for her arrival and, when she did, the press previously agreed not to ask her any questions and to respect that moment.

Despite the fact that this first visit was initially expected to last twenty minutes, Bronchalo finally spent an hour and a half inside. A time that, as assured by the psychiatrist José Cabrera to Así es la vida, would have been definitive for both the mother and the son.

In a taxi, with sunglasses and a serious face downcast. This is how Silvia Bronchalo, mother of Daniel Sancho, arrived this Thursday at the gates of the Koh Samui prison after thirty hours of travel to see her son. It was the first visit that the Spaniard received in prison after finishing the ten-day isolation period to comply with the covid-19 protocol. And it will not be the last one.

Bronchalo will be able to visit his son every day while in Thailand through glass. The communication will be by telephone and the duration will be only twenty minutes. The exception occurred yesterday when mother and son were together for an hour and a half.

Despite the fact that Silvia Bronchalo did not want to make statements to the media present at the prison gates, her companion, a member of the Spanish Embassy in Thailand, did want to make three important issues clear.

The first, that Daniel Sancho’s mother believes in her son’s innocence; the second, that the investigation has not yet been closed despite the police protests; and, third and last, that the cook knows the legal situation he is facing. In other words, Daniel Sancho knows that they are asking for the death penalty for allegedly murdering and dismembering Edwin Arrieta.

The situation for this mother, whose son has pleaded guilty to killing and dismembering another man, is not easy. Hence, psychiatrists like José Cabrera wanted to give his point of view on how this woman faces such difficult psychological moments.

“I have been seeing mothers going to jail to see their children for forty years, and I have not seen a single case in which a mother has not given herself up to her son, whatever she has done. The mother continues to be a mother all her life, therefore, this boy’s relationship with his mother is brutal, ”said the forensic doctor in Así es la vida.

In fact, for Cabrera “this hour and a half that they have been together, even though it was through a window, has been definitive.” Because “the mother is a mother, until death. She will have to understand that her son had another life and other stories, but it has been essential that she visit him.

To finish, Cabrera wanted to point out something that, despite logic, escapes us. And it is that “between a mother and a son the only thing is to love each other, everything else is superfluous. What happens is that because of all the media coverage, the mother will have already arrived contaminated”.