Edmundo Arrocet reappeared in Spain after months of absence from public life. The Chilean admitted to having been disconnected, and learned of the death of María Teresa Campos, who was his partner for six years, from his representative. News that caught him off guard, and so he returned to our country, where he gave a devastating interview dedicated to the journalist and her daughters, Terelu Campos and Carmen Borrego.

After the publication of the interview, Terelu Campos appeared on La 1, making it clear that she was not going to comment on the interview because she is someone who is not part of their lives.

“I do not want to encourage this person to take refuge in any information or statement that I make to continue speaking,” stated the youngest daughter of María Teresa Campos, bluntly. “He has always claimed that he is a great artist and, as such, I would like him to talk about his art.”

The collaborator of the program presented by Jordi González also made it very clear that both her conscience and that of her family are “very calm”, despite the devastating insinuations of Edmundo Arrocet, who once again insisted that María Teresa Campos did not receive love of his daughters.

“Tomorrow marks a month since my mother died and I have nothing more to say to this person. He has not been part of my life for four years. From then on, whatever he says, it is up to him and his conscience,” said Terelu Campos. .

The communicator had tried to stay away from the Chilean’s statements in her speech just a few hours earlier on the Mañaneros program, but the passage of time made her appear more forceful and made it clear that Edmundo Arrocet is not part of their lives.

The communicator stated that she had read Edmundo’s interview, unable to hide her displeasure. “Evidently I have read the interview because it is also part of my job, but if it had not been part of my job I would not have read it in my life,” she said.

The comedian became a current protagonist upon his return to Spain thanks to the interview he gave to the magazine Diez Minutos. A conversation in which you can find some of the most explosive statements of recent times dedicated entirely to the Campos family.

Among other things, the person who was the presenter’s partner for almost six years insists that he still loves and respects her. However, he does not keep quiet about anything, telling in great detail what her life was like with the journalist, and telling how she wanted them to get married so that she could have a pension or how her daughters were barely going to visit her.

Some statements that have angered the Campos, but also many colleagues. Belén Esteban, for example, claimed that she was not at all interested in the comedian’s interview. “I’m ashamed. Why didn’t she have enough guts to do the interview when María Teresa Campos was alive? Now talking is very easy.”