There you! she comes back. This has been announced by the Mediaset group through a press release in which it has confirmed that this well-known television contest will return to Telecinco with a new version in which it will once again have Jesús Vázquez as presenter and that it will incorporate new elements and twists in its mechanics.

Specifically, as he has detailed, “the chain is working in collaboration with Gestmusic in the pre-production of this game show that does not require preparation, culture or special skills from the contestants, but does require negotiation skills, intuition and temperance to the time to make decisions.”

But, what did this format consist of? In There You! the participants meet on a set where each one keeps a box in their possession. The chosen one has to go choosing and opening the boxes of his companions to know the prizes or amounts of money that he will no longer be able to choose until he is left with only one box at the end, whose prize is the one he wins.

Throughout the process and to give it more excitement, the presenter transmits to the contestants the offers made by ‘the bank’, an enigmatic character who offers them possible economic barter if they give up the contents of the boxes that remain to be opened.

In this way, this adaptation of the international format ‘Deal or not deal’, broadcast in 83 territories since its creation with great audience success, will return to the small screen after long years of absence. A return that adds to that of other formats of the group that are also seeing the light again with the changes proposed by the new dome.

And not only that. Jesús Vázquez, who had been away from leading formats at Telecinco for some time, will return to the group’s leading channel with a contest that he knows very well and that made his sympathy with the contestants translate into this well-known box contest in one of the most famous on television