Talking about certain sports and alcohol consumption seem to go hand in hand. You just have to look at the amount of beer consumed at football games, which undoubtedly becomes the star drink every time one of these events is held.

The American Football League (NFL) has Budweiser as sponsors, among others; and millions of cans of all its varieties are consumed when any game is celebrated. The Super Bowl was not going to be less – the official sponsor is Bud Light – and its undisputed protagonist, Taylor Swift, did the same.

The Midnight Rain singer did not hesitate and reached for her glass of beer, drinking it all at once without leaving a single drop. The NFL itself called Swift an “icon” as she shared the images during the game with her millions of followers on social media.

Now, what perhaps no one expected was that the singer looked “a gentleman” while being focused on by the camera, to the delight of some and the scandal of others. “Was it necessary? On live television? There are children watching the Super Bowl,” one user complained. “Isn’t he supposed to be a role model for girls?” says another.

The most conservative even looked further, lamenting that Swift was getting “drunk” and that rapper Ice Spice, who was with Swift enjoying the game, was apparently making “satanic gestures.”

The expression is more due to a popular rhyme, which is usually expressed when one toasts something. “Hidalgo, hildalgo, chingu * her mother who leaves something behind.” It is a saying of Mexican origin, arising for political reasons and that refers to what is known as “year of Hidalgo” or last year of a politician, in which the outgoing government must take advantage of its last year at the helm to take resources that were provided to carry out its functions, emptying the coffers before it runs out.

Thus, having a drink and doing “a hidalgo” would be precisely that: drinking everything without leaving anything behind; or take something and leave nothing on the table before leaving the place you have been.