Tamara Gorro lives in constant controversy. The influencer has recently been making a series of decisions that are leading her to star in some of the most controversial topics in the social conversation in our country, something that does not seem to bother her at all.

Although a few weeks ago we saw how she attended the Ídolo Awards dressed in a latex bald head to represent “all the warriors with cancer,” shortly after she came out in defense of Ana Obregón, recounting her personal experience. Gorro attended the program Y Ahora, Sonsoles to share how the surrogacy process was like for her to have her first daughter, something that made her receive great criticism when the young woman admitted that she “went shopping with the surrogate.” .

Many of her followers affirm that Tamara Gorro suffers this type of “public lynching” because she is a natural, close, and imperfect person, and that many of the “failures of expression” or bad decisions that end up angering the public are born from her spontaneity. crew.

These days she has become the undisputed protagonist of social networks because she uploaded a photo posing in a bikini, a publication that was filled with criticism, reproaching her for “how thin she is.”

In a matter of minutes, the content creator’s post was filled with hundreds of hate messages criticizing her body and accusing Gorro of having diseases and a bad relationship with food, as well as obsession with thinness and extreme concern with the personal image. ”You’re a stick”, ”Your bones are marked” or ”How disgusting” are some of the comments that can be read on the photo.

Faced with such a wave of criticism, the former owner of Mujeres, Hombres y Viceversa came out to show her face and defend her freedom and her body: “Being fat or thin can be a choice, but it can also be a problem. And no one has the obligation to having to explain why it is like this. Be careful, because your words can cause a lot of damage and prolong the fight against this problem, “he explained on his social networks.

“I’m not hurt, but when a commotion like this is generated, the easiest thing is to talk and that’s it,” said Ezequiel Garay’s ex-wife through her Instagram stories, trying to make her more than 2 million followers reflect.

Finally, the influencer once again stressed that we must always think about the battles that different people may be waging when we address them: “Be careful, because you can offend, you don’t know what that person is going through.”

Although the publication of Tamara Gorro posing in a bikini had a great impact and was filled with negative comments, the public response to the message of self-esteem that the influencer launched has been spectacular.

Hundreds of people have wanted to make it clear that no one has to comment on the body of another and that Gorro has been very correct in explaining that these critical messages can take their toll on people who are in a more vulnerable situation, as well as lead to serious problems. as an eating disorder.