Ángel Cristo Jr.’s adventure in Survivors has come to an end. And he does it through the back door. The most controversial contestant of the edition, with the permission of Kiko Jiménez, has been expelled by the reality show organization after he entered the jungle without permission and was missing for hours, causing the Army to intervene.

Since Survivors they have had no compassion for Cristo Jr. After chronologically reviewing all the events, in which both Bárbara Rey’s son and Aurah Ruiz have been badly hurt, Carlos Sobera has communicated in No Man’s Land the severe punishment of both.

While the Canarian woman, who attacked her former friend with the complaint for mistreatment of which she was found innocent, will be nominated directly at home if she is saved, Cristo Jr. has been less lucky: she will have to return to Spain for having skipped the perimeter of island security.

The organization’s statement could not be clearer: “Ángel Cristo has breached one of the main and basic rules of Survivors by jumping the security perimeter, thus putting his safety and that of the team that had to face his tireless search at risk. for more than three hours. After analyzing the images, the organization has made the determination that the contestant immediately end his time in the contest.”

The reaction of the former contestant has been very eloquent. Bárbara Rey’s son has applauded ironically, has assured that he was looking to be fired and has defended that men should be properly protected in case of suffering attacks, just as happens when the victim is a woman.