Sonia Ferrer, known for her time on television and her presence in programs like ‘Gente’, has revealed surprising details about her famous cover in the magazine ‘Interviú’.

Through a tweet, Ferrer addressed the issue of Luis Rubiales’s non-consensual kiss to Jenni Hermoso at the World Cup, and it was then that he took the opportunity to talk about the incident that surrounded his cover in the magazine.

The cover in question was published in 2007, during the time of his participation in ‘Gente’. Ferrer revealed on Twitter: “Let’s clarify once and for all. That cover was the result of BLACKMAIL. ‘Some beautiful photos without showing anything and in return we do not publish this stolen topless thing that we have done to you’ (my mother was also seen). Practice very usual at that time (2007)”.

The presenter also took the opportunity to comment on how blackmail was a common practice at the time, which sheds light on the circumstances in which some magazine covers were made at the time.

The controversial cover of ‘Interviú’, which showed Sonia Ferrer in a suggestive context without being explicit, has been the subject of debate and now, with the denunciation of blackmail by the presenter, it takes on a new dimension. Ferrer, who has continued her career on television, has not given further details about who was involved in this incident.

Although the details behind the cover of ‘Interviú’ are unexpected, Ferrer has maintained an active career in the entertainment industry, also standing out for her work as an actress. With this revelation, the presenter opens a window into the unethical practices that sometimes surrounded the world of entertainment in the past.