For a few hours, North American media have announced the death of Canadian rapper and influencer Lil Tay, just 14 years old, after a relative confirmed her death through her public Instagram profile last Wednesday. A death that shocked her more than three million followers, but also the rest of the users on social networks, due to her youth and the fact that the teenager, whose real name is Claire Hope, had denounced having suffered abuse a few months ago.

His representation agency confirmed the news of his death to Variety, but the mystery began precisely there, because neither his former representative, Harry Tsang; Not even her own father, Christopher Hope, confirmed the young woman’s death. What’s more, none of the main American media outlets that have covered the tragic news have been able to find out the causes of this mysterious death or verify it with official documents.

“We have no words to express the unbearable loss and the indescribable pain. This result was completely unexpected and has left us all in shock. The passing of his brother adds an even more unimaginable depth to our pain, ”begins the statement, shared on Instagram.

“During this time of immense grief, we ask for privacy as we grieve this overwhelming loss, as the circumstances surrounding the death of Claire and her brother are still under investigation. Claire will remain forever in our hearts, her absence left an irreplaceable void that will be felt by all who knew and loved her ”, the writing ends.

As if that were not enough, in the official Instagram announcement, whoever publishes the news of the death also reports the death of the young woman’s brother, Jason Tian, ??21, who frequently appeared in her videos and whom many accused of “exploiting ” to the teenager. A controversy that was also added to the alleged physical and psychological abuse by her father, with the girl assuring that she had never had a “real father figure.”

The young woman rose to fame at just nine years old, after posting a series of videos that quickly went viral for her rapping and profanity, displaying large amounts of money and bills, and being “above” everything and all.

According to Jason Tian, ??Christopher Hope’s only interest was to control his daughter’s estate and career, which had even led him to file a restraining order against her mother, Angela Tian. However, in 2018 a series of videos appeared in which Jason Tian was seen directing his sister on how to act on social networks, with many accusing him of being the true “manipulator” of the teenager.

For information, there is only the testimony of a user of social networks, Jesse Ryan, who claims that he witnessed the death of the two brothers, which would have been due to a traffic accident. Both were in a car that the older man was driving, and they would have hit another vehicle, having a fatal outcome for them. However, neither the authorities in Vancouver (Canada, where his father lives) or Los Angeles (United States, where they lived with his mother), have official information on any investigation regarding the Tian brothers.