Sergio Rico is slowly returning to normal. The goal of the Spanish goalkeeper of Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), who suffered a serious accident on May 28, is “to be back with the team before the season ends.” He is hopeful, because “the recovery process is going quite well.”

The footballer trusts that everything will turn out well, although, in statements to Lecturas magazine, he acknowledges that he has “an aneurysm that could fail and cause a stroke.”

“On the 22nd I have a new test to see how the aneurysm continues and to see if the doctor gives me more freedom to do some sports, to get my body in shape and to be able to return to the team, to Paris, as soon as possible. My goal is to be back with the team this year before the season ends,” he explained to the official media of the French team.

While waiting for these tests, Rico relies on his wife and family. “Although I am not yet medically discharged, they decided to send us home and do the first part of the recovery there. I am happy to be here with my family, with Alba and with my friends. Every day I am improving more, I feel better and a little bit stronger,” he added.

Regarding the fall he suffered and the moments that followed, he remembers that they were hard times. “I weighed 91 kilos and I stayed at 73, I’m 1.94. After three months bedridden I lost a lot of muscle,” he details to this magazine.

Once the worst was over, the first thought he had was football. “I had no memory problems, I remembered all my family members, Alba, my friends… so the first thought was if I could play football again. Being in a hospital room, monitored, with all the screens and the IV in the arm… it’s the first thing I asked the doctor,” he explains in his interview for the PSG channel.