Scare in 'Survivors' after the accident of a contestant and a wake-up call to other participants

The new edition of Survivors is giving a lot to talk about. The group, which has proven to be very heterogeneous, is beginning to suffer the ravages of hunger, bites and bad weather, and the participants are beginning to get nervous and susceptible to any slightest gesture or comment.

In this tense environment, an accident occurred when a contestant tried to open a coconut with a multipurpose knife, cutting his finger. This is the paparazzi Sergio Garrido, who spoke with Ion Aramendi live last Sunday, reassuring the audience: ”I’m fine, I have it under control. It hurts a little, but okay. This is the best thing that can happen to you with everything we have here. The doctors have cured me very well. They have put three stitches on me and I am phenomenal,” he explained to the presenter.

Sergio Garrido had the accident in a very difficult week for him, since he is facing his first nomination and possible expulsion along with Gema Aldón, Diego Pérez and Artúr Dainese.

In addition, the atmosphere is more tense than ever after the fight between the journalist and Asraf Beno after Sergio accused him of having a pact with the mother of Yulen Pereira, Arelys Ramos.

The chain already announced it, we are facing the “strongest of all” edition, but this is not an excuse for the contestants to commit some type of infraction. Last Sunday, during the gala presented by Ion Aramendi, you could see the images where the contestants of ‘Playa Fatal’ broke the rules when trying to light a bonfire.

Laura Madrueño has been in charge of explaining that the applicants had used toilet paper to try to light the flame. The next day, they received a scroll that forced them to put out the fire immediately. Faced with such news, Garrido denied that they had used the paper, but later he ended up acknowledging his failure.

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