The mane suffers more than necessary in the months of greatest sun exposure. Not surprisingly, in summer it is common to put aside the activities we carry out on a daily basis and, with it, our hair and facial care routines. However, the summer season is the period in which it is more important than ever to emphasize the care of our hair due to the long hours of outdoor sun exposure or exposure to sea saltpeter or chlorine from the pool. For these reasons, to have a healthy hair it is not enough to apply a shampoo or a conditioner but we must also exfoliate the scalp.

Scalp exfoliation is essential to have hair full of life, healthy and hydrated. Exfoliation is a fundamental and necessary step to regenerate the skin cells of our hair.

In addition to promoting cell regeneration, a scalp scrub has many benefits for our hair. From eliminating accumulated dirt in a deep way, thus complementing the function of the shampoo, to oxygenating the skin of the head, promoting hair growth. “When the skin on the head is oxygenated, it has a direct impact on the hair as it favors its growth. In addition, it activates blood circulation and reduces dandruff or itching problems” they say from the 360 ??Capillary Micrograft center. And they go further: “Capillary exfoliation serves to unclog the pores of the skin of the head, thus allowing it to breathe” sentence.

The application of the exfoliant will depend, to a large extent, on the product that we acquire. Of course, the vast majority comply with the same application guidelines. It is advisable to include the scalp scrub in our hair routine at least once a week and apply it with a deep massage so that all its active ingredients penetrate properly. On the market there are many hair scrubs that adapt to the needs and type of each hair. If you have doubts about which product is the most suitable for your type of hair, we advise you to visit a professional who will assess your case.

Don’t forget to also apply a mask (at least once a week) and conditioner after each wash to complete your hair routine.