A little over a month ago it came to light that a woman from Rio de Janeiro had been the victim of a gigantic scam of more than 142 million dollars between money, jewelry and works of art. It is the story of Geneviève Boghici, the widow of an important collector named Jean Boghici. The man of Romanian origin had in his possession one of the most important art collections in Brazil of the 20th century, a heritage that passed into the hands of the woman when he died at the age of 87 in 2015.

The architect of said crime had been none other than his own daughter, Sabine Boghici, who deceived him with the help of a ‘professional’ psychic. The supposed fortune teller, who later turned out to be her daughter’s partner, told the 82-year-old woman that her daughter would die if she did not perform a series of ‘spiritual exercises’, which cost a fortune, and ordered her to take some valuable pieces of your home to ”cleanse your aura”. Since she believed in this type of thing and she knew that Sabine had suffered psychological problems, the woman agreed at first.

However, after a while he became suspicious. When she shared her doubts with her daughter, she isolated her and threatened to kill her if she reported it. Finally, after more than 38 bank transfers and having stolen and sold more than 15 works of art and sculptures, the police arrested the young woman, her partner and other people who were part of the criminal gang.

On September 14, Brazilian authorities found the actress seriously injured in front of her building in Rio de Janeiro. The 49-year-old woman allegedly fell from the balcony of her residence, although police and investigators are considering the possibility that the event was a suicide attempt. Despite the speed with which the authorities worked and the fact that she was urgently transferred to the Miguel Couto Municipal Hospital, the alleged scammer died shortly after arriving due to the various injuries caused by her fall.

The investigation of the case is still open, but the suicide theory gained more strength when, when studying the deceased’s home, they found a note that she left for her partner, Rosa Stanesco, who is currently in jail.