In his head it may have sounded like a great idea, or probably he would not even go through it, because the kiss on the mouth that Luis Rubiales, president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), gave to the player Jenni Hermoso in The World Cup medal ceremony is the topic of international debate today.

A kiss that Hermoso herself stated in the locker room that she had not liked, but had felt powerless. On the other hand, Rubiales even went further and announced that on a trip to Ibiza that he was going to give to all the players for his victory, he was going to celebrate “the wedding of Jenni and Luis Rubiales”. A gesture that he did not like, and that some have compared to the kiss that Iker Casillas gave the journalist Sara Carbonero during the victory of the men’s team during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

Everyone remembers the moment: after winning the Spanish team, Iker Casillas, captain at the time, was interviewed by Sara Carbonero, a sports journalist for Informativos Telecinco and partner of Móstoles, who was so excited that he could not contain his excitement and decided to kiss to his then girlfriend. “My goodness…”, responded Carbonero, stunned and dead with shame, in front of the millions of viewers who were watching television at that time.

It was dubbed ‘the kiss of Spain’ or ‘the kiss of the World Cup’, but it also sparked heated debate at the time: Was the kiss appropriate in those circumstances? Was it an act of love or a lack of consideration for the professional work of the journalist?

Casillas later explained that the kiss was “spontaneous”, but he also attributed it to an act of “justice” because his girlfriend had had a very bad time after the accusations that some media launched against her after losing her first match against Switzerland.

However, even with her good intentions, perhaps with her decision she put the reporter in trouble, since many saw Sara Carbonero’s work being disregarded.

A moment that has already gone down in history, and that many were quick to remember again after the victory of the women’s team and the occurrence of Rubiales. However, they point out something important, and that is that there is a crucial detail that makes both moments have absolutely nothing to do with it: Iker Casillas and Sara Carbonero were a couple; Luis Rubiales and Jennifer Hermoso do not have any kind of sentimental relationship.

For this reason, dozens of famous people and anonymous users on social networks have raised their voices, denouncing Rubiales’ attitude and describing the act as “abuse” and “harassment” towards the player.

It should be remembered that, according to Organic Law 10/2022, of September 6, on the comprehensive guarantee of sexual freedom, sexual assaults are considered “all those conducts that violate sexual freedom without the consent of the other person”. In this case, Hermoso did not consent to the kiss. An aggression that, in the event that the player decided to act through the courts, could be punished if accepted for processing with a prison sentence of between one and four years.

However, it does not seem that the player wants to give more importance to the issue, and even asked that it not be given “more thought” and assuring that it was “a totally spontaneous mutual gesture due to the immense joy that winning a World Cup gives.” Hermoso clarified that Rubiales and she have a “great relationship” and her behavior has been “of ten” with all of them. “It was a natural gesture of affection and appreciation.”

Rubiales, for his part, tried to hush up the matter hours later during his meeting with the press. “The kiss with Jenni? Idiots are everywhere. When two people have an insignificant show of affection, we cannot pay attention to nonsense. We are champions and with that I stay”.