Plan de tarde, the program presented by Toñi Moreno on Sunday afternoons on La 1, says goodbye to the television channel. RTVE has decided to cancel the format due to the low audience it has garnered, according to what La Vanguardia has learned exclusively.

The production of Tesseo came to light on January 15, the year 2023 just started, and marked Moreno’s return to TVE after a long career at Mediaset. The communicator had already been part of the corporation between 2013 and 2015, with programs such as Entre todos or T con T.

The news was communicated this morning to the workers of the program, who confirmed to this newspaper that yesterday was the last program. A surprising decision, since there was speculation about extending Plan de tarde’s contract until the end of June, three more months than initially agreed.

The end of the space has been a blow to its writing, since today, Monday, is its first day of weekly rest. The program has garnered an audience of 5.4% in its last edition, somewhat shorter due to the broadcast on La 1 of the Conde de Godó Trophy, and whose drag has not served to overcome the number of viewers.

The program has not ended up convincing the public of the network, despite the fact that, at its premiere, it far exceeded one million viewers. Plan de tarde has not had an easy time with its main competitor, the Telecinco program Fiesta, derived from another space presented in its day by Toñi Moreno as Viva la vida.

In this way, the Sunday format says goodbye to the programming of La 1, despite the fact that its host summoned viewers to the next Sunday’s broadcast. “Today we have known little,” Moreno said of that smaller-than-usual program, and which ended by talking about a return to television: that of the Grand Prix on TVE.