Most of the time, people think that the lives of celebrities are the most luxurious and enviable. However, far from reality, they are still people and have their own shadows. Success is not proportional to mental health. The road to fame is not easy. This has been revealed by Alan Ritchson, who recently recounted the episode that led him to hit rock bottom.

The actor, who rose to fame thanks to Smallville, is now going through one of the sweetest moments of his professional career. Reacher, the series in which he stars on Prime Video, has been a real success. However, not everything is a bed of roses. The interpreter has confessed in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter that he was very close to committing suicide.

The trigger that led him to think about taking his life was a sexual assault five years ago. This situation led him to make the decision to leave the world of modeling, as he has revealed. “I hanged myself. Everything happened very quickly and I was hanging,” he revealed. The interpreter was in the attic of his house in Encino (California), and used a cable. His feet did not touch the ground, he began to faint and then, an image of his children Calem, Edan and Amory, ages 11, 10 and 8, came to his mind.

As the actor revealed, his children appeared in the images he saw, the fruits of his marriage to Catherine Ritchson. In the vision, the little ones had grown up and were around 30 years old. “They asked me very calmly not to do it, they told me that they wanted me to be there, alive and part of their lives,” the actor recalled. That’s when he decided to save himself.

After this episode, he decided to seek professional help. That led to the diagnosis of her bipolar disorder and the conclusion that this had occurred as a result of suffering sexual assault for years. “They broke me,” she says in the interview, revealing that these abuses occurred in both the modeling and film industries, however, she has spoken at length about the former.

“There are very few redeeming qualities about working in that industry. Let’s face it, it’s like legalized sex trafficking: it’s unregulated and it’s a well-known secret that if they hire you for a job they’re basically handing you off to a photographer to traffic you.” , expressed about the world of fashion. Although Alan cannot count “on both hands” the number of times he was placed “in horrible environments where sexual abuse was the goal,” there was one occasion that forever marked his life.

“I was hired for a photo shoot with a very famous photographer. They sent me to his hotel room to do nudes with the promise that if I did, he would get me a very lucrative campaign for a magazine and a clothing brand. And I was sexually assaulted by this guy,” he said.

But the truth is that the nightmare did not end at that moment. Already on television, years later, she experienced another episode of abuse. She was a woman, her partner for a film project. “She gave me an ultimatum to go to her room and told me that if I didn’t go, she would not only destroy this business, but me by calling TMZ to claim that I had sexually assaulted her,” she revealed, visibly affected.