The Promise has returned to the small screen one more day with a most interesting episode. In this latest installment of the Spanish Television La 1 series, viewers have witnessed the possible disappearance of Ramona.

After the drama resulting from the kidnapping of the child, Mrs. Arcos has decided to tell her version of the events to Pía, making it clear that she was in charge of the kidnapping and that she did it for the baby’s well-being.

However, both Jana and Teresa believe that Petra is not telling the truth. In order to delve deeper into the mystery, Teresa asks Feliciano to tell her what really happened on the night of the kidnapping.

On a lighter note, the teacher confesses to Candela again, making it clear that he has all the time he needs to accept or decline the marriage proposal.

Starting this week, La 1 gives broadcast space to the network’s new fiction, La Moderna, and they will do so with a new schedule: at 5:30 p.m. Right after this dramatic mini marathon, La 1 will broadcast La Plaza (6:30 p.m.), Jordi González’s new program, followed by the popular contest El Cazador (7:30 p.m.) and Aqui la tierra (8:30 p.m.).

In the next episode of the star novel of La 1 Margarita is ready to take revenge on the Marquises. After finding her late husband’s pills in a different corner of her jacket, Cruz’s sister-in-law suspects that Fernando’s death was not an accident.

As for the love triangle between Jana, Abel and Manuel, things are more tense than ever. In one of his talks, Abel will emphasize that his relationship with Jana is going from strength to strength, something that could have consequences.

Finally, Feliciano will have a revealing conversation with Teresa, who will end up slapping Mrs. Arcos’s brother.