Romina Belluscio has become one of the best-known voices in Spain to raise awareness about the ignored Lyme disease, which has affected her for years and has led her to live a true personal fight against the illness that has passed between hospitals and visits. medical.

“We always think ‘that disease doesn’t exist’ or ‘that’s not going to happen to me’ until, in fact, it exists and passes. I go back to three years ago, when the first symptoms of this little-known disease in Spain, Lyme disease, began,” the presenter began by explaining.

“It is spread by the bite of a tick infected with the borrelia bacteria, it is a multisystem disease, also known as ‘The great imitator’,” commented Belluscio, summarizing symptoms such as “severe fatigue, short-term memory loss , difficulty concentrating, anxiety, insomnia, status migraines, joint pain, muscle weakness, and various food intolerances,” he explains.

“For two years I visited dozens of doctors throughout Spain, without achieving any diagnosis. At that time my health plummeted, the bacteria lodged in my brain, my heart and my stomach, leaving my immune system at zero, and creating many co-infections, to the point of spending days without being able to get out of bed at all. because of the intense pain and, when I managed to do so, I needed thirty minutes to stand up,” stated the Argentine.

Fortunately, Romina was able to find “a great clinician in Madrid” and assures that she has lived “a time of great learning” and has praised the support of Guti Hernández, her husband: “Thank you for never letting go of my hand, to my children, for their love and understanding and to my family, for always being close,” he explained.

For her part, Guti has responded with an emotional message: “You are a fighter, my goddess, we are always by your side, your fight is ours, I love you goddess,” while Romina has asked for “more research” and social awareness with the disease.