Plácido Domingo has decided not to participate in the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Nuevo Baztán, a decision that comes after Izquierda Unida (IU) announced its boycott of the event due to the tenor’s participation.

IU’s boycott is due to previous allegations of sexual misconduct against the tenor. The political party stated that it would not attend an event “overshadowed” by his presence and criticized Domingo for “taking advantage of his position of power” over many women.

In response to this opposition, the event has issued a statement to Europa Press in which it announces its withdrawal from the event, maintaining that “there should be no room for any controversy” in a celebration of such magnitude.

Likewise, the tenor has expressed in his statement the “great social, cultural and political work” that is being done to revitalize the town. She has also emphasized that she did not believe that “venting hatred towards the distorted image that people have wanted to create of me is how the protection of women’s rights will be achieved, but rather with awareness, dialogue and respect for, above all, the truth of the facts”.

Izquierda Unida, upon learning that the tenor was not going to participate, has celebrated that its pressure has been effective: “It is not any type of “controversy” it is sexual abuse and power. We are proud that sexual abusers and harassers do not tarnish the celebration of the foundation of Nuevo Baztán”.

This commotion has placed Gema Pacheco, PSOE mayor, in a delicate position, who confirmed the invitation to Domingo as part of the cultural project. The initiative seeks to convert the Goyeneche Palace, which has already been recognized as an Asset of Cultural Interest, into a Goyeneche zarzuela and lyrical theater school.

Pacheco sees this project as an opportunity to give a new boost to the local heritage and economy, thanks to the considerable investment it would imply. And the tenor was one of the most important figures involved. After this resignation, it is unknown what will happen now with the Goyeneche Palace project.