One of the keys to a happy garden or orchard has to do with the association of crops, that is, the harmony that exists between the different plants that coexist in the same space. Since one of the most common mistakes when setting up an orchard is precisely not respecting these rules. What could mean a series of damages that would spoil all the effort dedicated. But, in addition, you would be missing the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits that some plants can bring to others.
And yes, crops can help each other. One of the main uses of this combination of species comes when it comes to preventing pests from attacking the garden. This is because there are certain types of plants that are capable of repelling some of the most annoying and common insects, such as whiteflies and aphids.
The following plant species are a perfect alternative to other types of pest control methods, such as chemical products. An organic way to keep the garden or orchard healthy with little effort.
Each type of plant has a series of particularities that make it unique and that determine its evolutionary process and the specific needs it requires to prosper. Some need more light, others a more acidic substrate and some require a greater amount of water, for example. That is why not all plants can coexist with each other.
The association of crops or plants consists of combining different species that are compatible with each other, so they will not steal nutrients, they will not hinder each other during growth and, ultimately, they can develop equally. There may even be associations that are especially beneficial, as previously noted.