Just a few hours ago, news broke that has revolutionized social networks: Tamara Falcó will be part of the jury of the new edition of Got Talent Spain. With this she will be the replacement for Edurne, who decided to leave her role in the talent show after nine uninterrupted seasons, being the only one she had worn since day one.

He will go from sitting in El Hormiguero to sitting with Risto Mejide, Paula Echevarría and Florentino Fernández. A change that has surprised considering that the marchioness will change to the enemy channel of Antena 3. A change that, for the moment, Pablo Motos has not wanted to comment on, but everything indicates that it could not have suited him very well.

Although the reactions of neither the network nor the presenter are still unknown, there is evidence that Motos does not take well at all when his team leaves for the competition. A while ago it was Juan del Val himself who explained his almost signing for a program on another network, which would have meant his departure from the ant space.

He himself took it upon himself to recount the tension that existed between him and his boss, Pablo, for a time. “Pablo and I are very friends and we have been constantly sharing information. Yes, it is true that there was something personal there, which distanced us for a moment,” stated the screenwriter in Espejo Público.

Something that Pablo Motos himself did not hesitate to talk about on his program. And he made it clear that this generated a “very big crisis” between them. “They made you an offer of a lot of money from another television network and I took it horribly wrong,” he confessed.

It seems that he was not willing to lose one of his most recurring collaborators. “It’s something that comforts you a lot and you want it to last over time, but I was very afraid that you would stop being my friend, that’s what killed me,” Juan del Val responded to this show of interest from the presenter. Something that could happen to Tamara Falcó at any moment.

Although it remains to be seen how Motos will have taken the Marchioness of Griñón’s decision and whether she will have been in charge of communicating it to him, everything indicates that the same thing could happen. Even so, it could also be that the presenter has decided to accept the step of his friend.

Be that as it may, tonight the reaction of both will be seen, since Isabel Preysler’s daughter is scheduled to go to work and it would not be surprising if they wanted to address the topic.