Pablo Iglesias and Ana Rosa Quintana have once again starred in an open discussion for all viewers. The editorial of the presenter in her program, criticizing the electoral video of United We Can (UP), has provoked the response of the former leader of the formation on her social networks, who has described her as a “scoundrel”.

In this Wednesday’s program, Ana Rosa Quintana has responded to the video of the purple formation, in which reference is made to various journalists and the media. The communicator criticizes the video, alluding to its narrative rhythm and its duration. According to her, the video “is a bit long and nobody buys it.”

Pablo Iglesias has not been slow to answer on his social networks. The former vice president of the Government has raised the tone of the discussion at the end of the publication, reproaching the journalist that: “Beyond the success of the video, I think that what happens to you is something else: that you know what the video says of you may be true. The video says that you are scoundrels and corrupt and the truths offend”.

Likewise, Iglesias has defended the content of the video in front of all the “audiovisual advice” expressed by Ana Rosa Quintana. The ex-leader of UP ironically stated that “the advice you give them is sure to be appreciated” and added that “although I don’t know if you thought about it or if they wrote it to you, like books”.

Pablo Iglesias’ video response to Ana Rosa was published at noon this Wednesday and already has nearly 88,000 views on the political scientist’s Twitter profile.