Melania Puntas denies having a relationship with Yulen Pereira

A few days ago the controversy broke out after the surprising and unexpected breakup between the fencer Yulen Pereira and the television collaborator Anabel Pantoja. After a few beautiful months of relationship, the athlete has left Isabel Pantoja’s niece because she “doesn’t feel the same anymore.”

The end of the relationship has coincided with the arrival of Anabel in Spain after a few weeks in America accompanying her aunt on her new musical tour. The news has fallen on Anabel like a jug of cold water, since Belén Esteban’s friend did not expect it at all.

Although the former Survivors contestant would have left the influencer because his feelings have changed, there were many rumors that he had an affair with the model Melania Puntas. When the press asked Yulen for this information, he limited himself to answering that they please “stop making things up.”

Now it is Melania herself who has spoken through her Instagram account to put an end to all the media circus that has formed around her: “I want to make it very clear that I am not going to speak through any medium that does not be this. This is going to be the first time that I am going to pronounce myself on the subject that you have awarded me. I have NEVER had anything to do with the separation of this couple ”, she clarified.

“I have never had ANYTHING with Yulen Pereira,” the model wrote on her Instagram profile to try to escape the media focus and the accusations that have come from the media.

The girl seems to be really having a hard time with the fact that her name has been linked to the breakup of Anabel and Yulen in the media and she asks for respect for her family and for her: “Clarifying this, I ask for respect for my environment, for me and please disassociate me from this issue.

Anabel Pantoja is known for being one of the funniest characters on television. The niece always rows in favor of the show and has a magnetism that crosses the screen. Although she has not yet formally spoken to the media, some journalists and colleagues have assured that she is fine, although what happened was not expected: “At least I am alive.”

While she is in the eye of the media hurricane, Anabel is taking refuge in her own and in her social networks, where she tries to share videos and photos of her trips to distract herself and focus on the beautiful things in life.

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