The last installment of Martínez y Hermanos, the program presented by Dani Martínez on Movistar Plus, sat Dani Mateo, David Summers and Melani Olivares on his sofa. Among the anecdotes that emerged throughout the space there was one that had the actress and the presenter as protagonists.

Let’s remember that both were partners in the mythical Aída series, broadcast on Telecinco, a circumstance that Melani took advantage of to throw a taunt at him regarding the absence of the comedian in the WhatsApp group of said fiction. “It’s not a joke,” acknowledged Martínez, who at the time tried to get involved.

Paco León, Eduardo Casanova, Canco Rodríguez, Melani Olivares and Dani Martínez were some of the actors who were part of the famous cast of Aída, the series that became a reference in Spanish fiction and which has already turned 18 since its first broadcast .

For this reason, the meeting between Melani and Dani in Martínez y Hermanos was so special. Although not exempt from taunts involved. Because the actress did not hesitate to make it clear to her co-star (they were brothers in fiction), that she is not in the WhatsApp group of the series, nor is she expected. What caused the laughter of those present, including those of the presenter himself.

It all happened when David Summer told that he had a WhatsApp group with his group Hombres G, to which Dani Martínez asked him if he had any other group without any of the other members. “Only Men G except Javi”, the presenter wanted to know.

A comment that turned against him because Melani Olivares gave him a “how bad you are”. And then he told her laughing: “We in Aida have one without you.” Although he immediately qualified: “Just kidding.” But the presenter knew that he was not: “No, it’s not a joke, it’s true.” “Yeah, but not without you alone,” explained the interpreter.

And then Dani Martínez told an anecdote that had recently happened to him with another actor from the series, Canco Rodríguez (Barajas), regarding the WhatsApp group. The comedian asked him to put it in, but the actor refused. “Really, listen to me…”, he told her, taking away the idea.